Effect of Business Ethics and Product Offering on Customer Loyalty in The Disruption Age: An Analysis of The Banking Sector in Bangladesh
Business ethics, product offering, e-satisfaction, loyalty, internet bankingAbstract
This study aims to analyze the effect of Business ethics and e-satisfaction toward customer loyalty in the context of the banking sector in Bangladesh. The competition is fierce in the current market environment and so every company is under pressure to survive and make more margin which is associated with and required a huge amount of investment too. Strategic tools are used by all organizations in their style to sustain in the local and/or global market. Among others, ethical practices, product offerings, and technological facilities that are provided (e.i. online transactions) are important strategies that need to be considered in the fiercely competitive market. Hence, the identified potential factors are business ethics, Product offering, and technology disruption are the priority to the significant benefits of the business environment. The research used an FGD technique to acquire information regarding end-users (bank’s client) experiences and feedback. This study investigates the effect of business ethics on customer loyalty due to customer satisfaction with online banking (e-satisfaction) and product offered by the bank.
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