About the Journal

ISSN (PRINT) 1683-8742 and

ISSN (ONLINE)2706-7076

Aims and Scope

The aim of AJBE is to provide a platform for the exchange of scholarly ideas, research findings, and practical insights related to various aspects of business management, economics, finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, and other relevant fields. The scope of a business journal typically includes, but is not limited to, the following:

Original Research: AJBE's aim is to publish original research articles that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of business. This may include empirical research, theoretical models, conceptual frameworks, case studies, and other forms of research that provide new insights, methodologies, or findings related to business management and related fields.

Interdisciplinary Perspectives: The AJBE often encourages interdisciplinary research that integrates concepts, theories, and methodologies from various fields such as economics, finance, marketing, organizational behavior, and others. This promotes a holistic understanding of business phenomena and encourages cross-disciplinary collaborations.

Practical Relevance: The AJBE regularly emphasizes the practical relevance of research findings, as they seek to provide insights that can be applied to real-world business problems by practitioners and policymakers. This may include research on business strategy, leadership, innovation, marketing strategies, financial management, and other areas that have practical implications for businesses.

International Focus: The AJBE frequently has an international focus because it seeks to publish research with worldwide relevance and applicability. This may include studies that explore business practices, trends, and challenges in different regions, countries, or cultures and highlight the implications of globalization for businesses and economies.

Emerging Topics: Frequently, the AJBE seeks to publish research on emerging topics and trends pertinent to the evolving business environment. This may include research on topics such as sustainability, digital transformation, social responsibility, diversity and inclusion, and other emerging issues that impact the practice of business management.

Review Articles: The AJBE may also include review articles that provide comprehensive summaries of the existing literature on specific topics related to business and management. These review articles may critically analyze the existing research, identify research gaps, and suggest future directions for research.

Practitioner-oriented Content: There may also be practitioner-oriented material in the AJBE, such as opinion pieces, commentaries, and viewpoints written by experienced practitioners, policymakers, and industry experts. This can help bridge the gap between academia and practice and foster knowledge exchange between researchers and practitioners.

AJBE gives authors quick blind review and decision times, a way to publish their study continuously, and a global audience. To ensure quality, all articles go through expert proofreading and typesetting.  Those who should consider submitting their work to AJBE include the following:

  • Authors who want their articles to receive high-quality evaluations and efficient production, assuring the quickest publishing time, can submit to AJBE.
  • Authors who want their writings to be distributed for free, board, and globally on a robust, well-known publishing platform.
  • Writers who wish or are required to make their articles freely available online due to regulations imposed by their institutions of higher education or the government.

In summary, the aims and scope of AJBE encompass original research, interdisciplinary perspectives, practical relevance, international focus, emerging topics, review articles, and practitioner-oriented content. By publishing high-quality research on these areas, AJBE aim to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of business management and related disciplines and promote evidence-based decision-making in business practice and policy.

Copyright and licensing

Our articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

The policy regarding publishing fees.

To preserve the academic autonomy of the AJBE, the editorial board has set a NO-FEE policy for the submission and publication of articles, including Article Processing Charges (APCs). The editorial board of the journal is comprised of academic staff from esteemed institutions who manage the publication independently and on a voluntary basis.

Article processing charges (For Authors) : Free